Introduction of Nucleus Systems Pte Ltd
Nucleus Systems Pte Ltd, a 40-50-10 joint venture between XYGinc and UrbanLinkz Engineering with participation by Harmony Bus Services, will begin operations from 1 December 2005.
The company appointed for the sale, distribution and management of the TransPacific Alliance Card (also known as tpac.card), Nucleus Systems also handles the transactions generated in transit and non-transit (retail/management) applications.
In addition, Nucleus Systems operates the Centralised Next-Stop Display System for TransPacific Alliance, currently adopted by UrbanLinkz Buses, XY Buses, G'zen Ltd and Harmony Bus Services. This in-bus system will display the information of the next stop 400 metres before arriving.
Nucleus Systems will also provide technical support for the Electronic Display Systems for companies in the TransPacific Alliance, and for the internal entertainment systems found in buses of XY Buses and G'zen Ltd.
The office and helpdesk of Nucleus Systems is situated at XYGinc West District Depot, located at Segar Rd.
Nucleus Systems - simplifying the complicated
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